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Cyber Bytes on ABC
Internet Videos

Cheryl Currid delivers the message that business and technology can work together. From highly technical topics to simple common sense, Ms. Currid delights audiences with her dry wit, plain talk, and entertaining style. She frequently brings out her crystal ball to show people where technology is going, and how to catch the wave.


Understanding How to Compete in Nanoseconds

“It’s a fast business world, information is critical. People must know their business, get down to the facts, and be right. There’s no second chance and no excuses for not knowing or for being wrong.”

Making People Smarter

"The goal of technology today is to make people smarter. Sure, automation helps make business processes move faster — but the true benefits of technology come when people can absorb the knowledge, blend it with wisdom, and take action. And, every employee and associate is a knowledge worker that has to act smart. Unless it gets inside your head, information is wasted or ignored."

Commitment to Change

"Making technology work is the easy part — getting people to change the challenge. No matter how well planned or bug free, computer systems will fail if people don’t accept the challenge of change."

Welcoming New Ways to Get the Job Done

"Have you heard of "smart dust?" Do you use e-mail to confirm appointments? Can you keep yourself and computer busy so you get twice as much work done? Cheryl shares plenty of ways for changing habits to take advantage of technology and save time and energy on the process."


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