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Cyber Bytes on ABC
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Currid & Company stays at the leading edge of technology by studying products before, during, and after their public debut. Our research and expert opinions provide technology innovators with invaluable data on which to base design, engineering, and marketing decisions.

From Digital Cameras to Wireless Networks, our analysts provide their insight on the winners and losers in each technology category. Written reviews of products our analysts have most recently been reviewing can be found here.

Cheryl Currid's weekly technology review, working@home, appeared each Thursday in the Business Section of the Houston Chronicle.

Cheryl Currid's weekly television segment, Cyber Bites, covers the latest new technologies -- from wearables to Web sites -- printers to portables. The broadcast airs as part of an extra news program each Sunday on Houston's ABC station, KTRK-TV. Each week, Cheryl covers hot products and technologies that are changing the way people work, live, learn, and entertain.


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From wired Ethernet to wireless to powerline connectivity to voice and video over IP, data networking has become pervasive.
Portable Computers
Pick a size, any size and you can find a portable computer to fit. We study portable devices ranging from the size of a credit card to that of a small tablet.

Cell Phones
From sleek...to si silver...to stylish, phones are integrating more features every day. From e911 and location-based services to contact management functionality, these devices are becoming indispensable assets.



Digital Cameras
Megapixel Magic. These new cameras can capture the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The pixels keep doubling, and the new quality enables amateurs to obtain the results of professionals.
Amazing advances in color technology help these new printers to create produce pictures that rival professional quality photos. The picoliters are getting smaller, and the pixels continue to multiply.


It's not just monitors anymore. There's now an array of computer display solutions ranging from CRT monitors, to Flat Panel Displays, to Video Projection.
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