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Computer Industry Clients

Currid & Company offers insight into business and technology issues facing corporate sites. Services geared toward industry clients include:

bulletResearch and in-depth studies of key computing issues
bulletProduct evaluation and analysis
bulletStrategy planning and development of marketing programs and materials
bulletConference and event planning and management
bulletFocus groups and advisory boards
bulletTechnology Seminars

For more information on the service we provide to business users, click here.


Corporate Consulting

Currid & Company offers customized assistance to meet the needs of Fortune 1000 clients. We focus on opportunities for the client to make strategic use of existing or new information systems. Our services for organizations large and small that are adopting and deploying computing technology include:

bulletCorporate Event Planning
bulletArchitectural Reviews - Is your technology right for your company?
bulletIS organizational alignments
bulletProduct assessment and recommendations
bulletEnd-user surveys
bulletTechnology and management seminars

For more information on the consulting we provide to corporate customers, click here.

Small Business & End-user Services

Currid & Company offers consulting services at an hourly, retainer, or project-based rates. We will work closely with you to analyze your needs and help fulfill the promises of technology. Our services include, but are not limited to:

bulletNetwork setup or analysis
bulletNetwork management
bulletTechnology assessment and training
bulletSolution evaluations for both hardware and software
bulletInternet presence (Web) setup, evaluation, and maintenance


Multimedia Production

Getting your message across often takes more than words. Our graphic artists provide multimedia and graphical solutions including:

bulletPowerPoint graphic support
bulletEmbedded video vignettes
bulletPresentation Audio/Video support


Hot Tips
Parents Page-Internet Safety

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