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Action Observer Video Systems

Pick your favorite myth about a business or home with security cameras:

bulletSystems are expensive
bulletSystems are unreliable and record only to fuzzy tape
bulletIt takes a rocket scientist to install a camera system
bulletCameras are expensive
bulletI don’t know where to go or how to get help

All five myths are exactly that… It turns out that digital camera systems are not expensive and can be installed by anyone who can hook up a cable TV and DVD.

Better yet, camera quality has improved remarkably over the past few years while prices have declined. New digital systems recorders have “become smart,” they record to hard disks, and have alerts that can be fine tuned to start recording and call you the minute someone sets foot on your property.

Depending on your needs, a full featured camera system can be installed on your premises for less money than your last loss.

Consider some of the options:

bulletCameras are viewable on the web – just log on to the system and give it your password. You can watch your property to your heart’s content.
bulletCameras record only when something moves in front of them – so if you suffer a loss the cameras will pick up who, when, and where.
bulletMultiple camera systems work in tandem so you can see the exact path taken.
bulletYou can set up certain systems to call you on the phone if someone sets foot on your property – day or night – whatever hours you choose.
bulletDepending on the camera, you can get great night vision. A dimly light room will look like all the lights are on.
bulletCameras can be a deterrent – thieves will look for an easier target.
bulletAlternatively, cameras can be hidden and placed in locations where there’s a likely loss. It doesn’t take long to find the culprit.
bulletVideo recording, even from covert cameras, is legal in all states. (Audio recording, however, has some restrictions in different locations.)

And, there’s plenty more reasons to consider a digital camera system. It gives you an extra set of eyeballs that can see in multiple places a one time. It gives you the ability to know what’s happening and when.

Interested in learning more? Register for Currid & Company’s new guide on how to set up a digital video watch system. It reviews several systems, software, cameras, and techniques for getting control over your property.

Don’t have the time to do it yourself? Then why don't you contact andy.gibbs@currid.com at Currid & Company for a quote on installing or leasing a system?


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