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Business Books

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Cheryl Currid’s Guide to Business Technology, Cheryl Currid, Von Norstand Reinhold

This guidebook provides practical advice and helps readers make the crucial break from the outdated business practices of the past to the essential technologies readers need to compete in the present. In virtually no time, the reader will gain a firm handle on all the basic technology concepts and tools; from how LANs work and what hardware and software to choose, to developing the skills necessary for effective electronic communication in business. Also included are tips on the proper etiquette when utilizing these new tools, a product reference guide to help the reader make sound purchasing decisions, and a glossary that demystifies unsettling terms and acronyms. This guide offers self-tests in computer literacy.



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Reengineering ToolKit: 15 Tools & Technologies for Reengineering Your Organization, Cheryl Currid & Co., Prima Publishing

This book is a practical, hands-on guide, offering valuable information about techniques and technologies that are revolutionizing the way companies manage information. Includes real-life examples that show how to apply them to company’s needs. The tools include: automated input; documentation management; GIS and GPS; rapid application development tools; e-mail; work-flow automation; wireless computing; electronic commerce; groupware; knowledge bases & agents; mobile computing; CAD, CAM, and VR; multimedia; voice systems; and expert systems. The book is written for the non-technical reader. Available in two languages.



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Computing Strategies for Reengineering Your Organization, Cheryl Currid & Company, Prima Publishing

This book gives a road map to the changes in business and information technology. Reengineering organizations ensures survival is possible. This book is designed to understand how the very the fast-paced world of commerce and computers. Available in two languages.


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The Electronic Invasion: Survival Guide for the Brave New World of Business Communications

The information age has changed the way the world works. This book exposes these mysteries. Incisive discussions reveal the impact on daily life at work. The reader will learn fascinating ways to deal with the ever-changing standards of office technology and communication: PCs, LANs, WANs, faxes, voice technology, and more. Learn how to navigate bulletin boards, chat effectively on-line, and get the message across. This book also helps rid those bad habits and helps to develop and practice the new productive methods. Discover hidden road maps and coast-to-coast possibilities with remote access communication. Join the Electronic Invasion. (This book was originally published in 1993, we have a few collectors items left in our office. Please call for availability.)



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Make Your Point!: The Complete Guide to Successful Business Presentation Using Today's Technology, Cheryl Currid, Prima Publishing

Make Your Point! goes beyond typical speech-making books by acknowledging the unprecedented importance of computer technology in creating business presentations on your own. Inside you'll find not only sound, time-tested advice on how best to convey your message, but also valuable tips, tricks, and techniques for applying the right software tools to develop effective presentations. From setting up computer style sheets and finding suitable artwork to choosing the right colors and using the right words - this book is truly an indispensable reference.



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Software: What's Hot! What's Not! 1994 Edition, Cheryl Currid & Company, Prima Publishing

Software: What's Hot! What's Not! is an essential investment that can save you time, money, and frustration. This lively and entertaining overview of the booming Windows software market surveys the reviews from magazines, compares and contrast each type of software, quotes industry experts, and cuts to the chase! You'll learn which programs set the standards, which are the best at specific functions, which are the best bargains, and which are the up-and-coming superstars.


Technology Books

Novell's Introduction to Networking (2nd Edition),
Cheryl C. Currid and Mark A. Eggleston, Novell Press 

Novell's Introduction to Networking offers easy-to-understand information on a variety of crucial networking topics, with coverage of Novell and non-Novell products. This book focuses on the critical first steps of networking at a level suited for beginners. This valuable resource includes expert tips and materials that save time and money. Even non-technical readers will discover the business benefits of networking with this computer guide.  This second edition contains expanded coverage of Internet technologies and updated Networking content.



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Novell's Guide to NetWare 4.0 Networks, Cheryl Currid with Stephen Saxon, Novell Press

Novell's Guide to NetWare 4.0 Networks is a concise, east-to-follow guide to setting up, fine-tuning, and maintaining a NetWare network. Presented in a logical, step-by-step format, this book gives you the information you need to install a new network, or to upgrade form earlier versions of NetWare.



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Novell's Guide to NetWare 3.12 Networks, Cheryl Currid and Company, Novell Press

Novell's Guide to NetWare 3.12 Networks is an easy-to-follow guide, using Novell's network system software. Presented in a logical, step-by-step format, this book gives you everything you need to set up your NetWare network and keep it running smoothly.



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Networking with Personal NetWare; Introduction to Networking, Building Your Network, Preventing Problems, and Project Management, Cheryl Currid & Company, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Whether you're a small business setting up your first network, or you'd like to create a workgroup within your corporation's client/server environment, this book gives you all the information you need to set up a Personal NetWare network. Networking consultant Cheryl Currid guides you through selecting your network hardware and installing the software. She also gives expert tips on managing your network, from setting up e-mail access and ensuring network security to quickly establishing a computing environment that you and your team will feel at home in.



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Networking with Windows for Workgroups, Cheryl Currid & Company, SYBEX

Networking with Windows for Workgroups is the complete, plain-language guide to effective workgroup computer, using the new Windows for Workgroups system.


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Mastering Novell NetWare, Cheryl C. Currid and Craig A. Gillett, SYBEX

Mastering Novell NetWare is a system administrator's guide to installing, operating, and maintaining a local area network using Novell NetWare. From basic introduction of network hardware to advanced maintenance and troubleshooting techniques, Mastering Novell NetWare offers start-to-finish instructions for getting a well-planned system up and working.


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