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Convergence: When Computers Meet Communications Technology

Computers alone do little more than give an answer to a single person. Communications technology alone merely provides a pipe to spread words. Together they offer a means to share data, information, and knowledge. Cleverly used, these technologies offer new methods for doing business, servicing customers, and working smart. Cheryl Currid gets your ideas started on how to make convergence technology work for your organization.

Digital Disconnects: How to spot them, fix them, and avoid them in the first place

Ever get the feeling that your technology works in direct opposition to your business goals? Watch out-you may have a digital disconnect. These are computer systems that don't (or no longer) support your business goals. In fact, you'd be better off if these systems were unplugged. Sometimes digital disconnects compound for years and go unnoticed until the company is faced head-on with a crisis, a more nimble competitor, an accounting nightmare, or a shrieking public relations disaster. Most importantly, she knows how to avoid them. In her presentations she shares her secrets with you.

The Challenge of Change

In today's cut-throat competitive business world, there's little room for error. Nothing stands still not business, not technology, not people. From banking to banana farming, people are using every trick in the book to change the rules, capture customers, and lower operational cost. Information technology (IT) plays a pivotal role in re-defining who, how, when, and where work gets done. Cheryl Currid provides an update in key areas - business models, information technology, and people - and delivers a call to action about getting IT together.

Business Technology and Everyday Workers

Based on her book, Cheryl Currid's Guide to Business Technology, Cheryl discusses how technology changes business competitiveness, productivity, and profitability. What happens to jobs when new technology is implemented? What are the five hot technologies that everyone should be learning for business today?

Alignment: Making Technology Work for Your Organization

Are your business and technology strategies running along parallel tracks, or are you on a collision course? Whether your business goal is to become the low cost leader, the predominant product innovator, or to provide consummate customer service, technology can help. Cheryl Currid identifies the right technology strategies for major business models and how to deploy them.

It's the Net, Stupid

Doing business on the Internet poses numerous challenges. In this presentation, Cheryl Currid outlines how to (and should you) develop a presence on the Internet, including:

bulletStrategic issues
bulletMarketing opportunities
bulletTaking orders
bulletSecurity, and more.

This presentation's format can be tailored from a lecture to an interactive workshop.

Strategies for an Intranet

Building in-company Intranets is like bringing the power of the Internet home to your company. Chances are, if you're already using the Internet, you've got most of the required tools. Intranets, local versions of the Internet, provide a great way to spread information and are fast becoming corporate America's newest management tool. From employee benefits to the latest quarterly financial statement, you can share information in an instant. Best of all, since the Intranet uses everything the Internet uses, your company can share its news with the world in an instant. Cheryl Currid talks through the promises and pitfalls of this powerful technology.

Re-inventing Business: Here are the Technology Tools

Based on Cheryl Currid's path braking books, Reengineering ToolKit: 15 Tools and Technologies for Reengineering Your Business and Computing Strategies for Reengineering Your Organization, this session identifies the paradigm busting technologies that change the way business does business.


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