By Cheryl Currid

When it comes to gotta-have gadgets, my list is starting to grow. Let me share some of my favorite new picks.

First, there is the multifunction mouse. Logitech has combined the functions of a mouse, laser pointer and wireless slide changer for presentations. This product is so easy to use, it has already made its way to my favorite laptop computer.

The Logitech Cordless Presenter starts out as a wonderful wireless optical mouse with a great range, about 30 feet, according to my testing. It uses a wireless protocol called Bluetooth, which operates in the 2.4 gigahertz frequency, the same as local area network cards, telephones and some wireless video devices. During my test, in a home with all of these products up and running, I didn't notice any conflicts.   

Now for the multifunction fun. You can flip a switch on the back, and it turns into presentation mode. Just start your presentation, pick the device up off the desk, and you can easily advance between slides. It has a laser pointer built-in for keeping your audience focused. This device will function with presentation applications like PowerPoint, or any other application on your computer that you configure to the device. If you give presentations, you'll love this device.

Many business travelers who give presentations while on the go often need to pack a regular mouse and an additional wireless presentation device. This dual-purpose gadget will lighten the load, while providing great features that are often absent in single-minded devices.

For more information, check out the Web site at The Logitech Cordless Presenter retails for $199.

My second gotta-have gadget will delight couch potatoes who happen to have a PDA, like the Compaq iPAQ. You can install an UltraMote card and download the software to turn your PDA into a remote channel changer. In fact, if you have several TVs in the house, you can set up a different profile for each one.

In essence, you and your PDA, can become the master controller of all TVs, stereo systems and other infrared devices in your house. I think there is something powerful about that.

Programming the remote is a snap. You just pull up a template for the new device, point the original remote controller at the PDA, press the command you want to teach, and your PDA will learn it. There are no complicated codes to find or strange key combinations to attempt.

The UltraMote has other functions, such as creating macros -- so you can give it complex commands. Let's say that you want to watch a DVD, but to do so you have to turn on the TV, change the channel, turn on the DVD player, and then turn on your stereo receiver and change its input to DVD. The UltraMote can make it all happen with a simple, one-button click.

And you can customize the screens to match your remotes or show a picture of the room that you are in. That could be helpful if you've got a lot of TVs around the house.

You can try UltraMote today -- just download the trial pack for free for 14 days. Then if you like it, you pay only $20 for a license. But for best results get the infrared extender -- it's only $20 more, if you purchase both the extender and the software. Details are available at



This article originally appeared in the Houston Chronicle, June 20, 2002

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